Friday, December 4, 2015

A memory by your Nai Nai

When Kenzlei was young she was very use to people telling her how adorable and pretty she was every time we went anywhere...she was so use to it, she actually expected day when leaving the laundry mat I noticed a mad look on Kenzlei's face...when I asked her what was wrong she said, "that woman wasn't very nice.." I asked why she said that...her response was, "well, she didn't tell me I was pretty or anything!" me that was a slap to my forehead moment before I cracked up. I was reminded of that story today when I took Eva (your moms little dog) to Home Depot with me...her favorite place...of course every person in the store that sees her has to pet and talk to her and she just eats it up....then there was a man that was talking to her and with her tail wagging and ready to lick him to death he chose not to pet her, but just talk to her....this was more than she could handle so she decided to growl at him....(defiantly not her normal) I quickly pushed her away embarrassed...but after that I just couldn't help but think of Kenzlei and the laundry mat lady.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

More favorite things

When your mom was little, I used to make her broccoli and cheese rice, and I know she sometimes used to eat it for breakfast.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


I thought you may want to know what your mom's signature looked like.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Favorite foods

Your mom's favorite food was chicken and dumplings and chicken  tenders, chicken and cheese biscuits, butter pecan ice cream, she loved pumpkin flavoring in anything...when she younger and stayed all night with me she loved eating my grilled cheese sandwhiches...she liked ranch doritoes and honey mustard pretzels..she loved cottage cheese on her salads.

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Love of Books.

You mother had 107 pins on Pinterset just talking about books she was an avid reader.


Some of the books she pinned was :


The Kite Runner   by Khaled Hosseini  her comments about this book were : " I can read this over and over."  

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins  her comments about this book were : "One of the best books I have ever read." 

Gone for Good by Harlan Coben her comments about this book were : "Favorite Author!"

The Help by Kathryn Stockett  her comments about this book were : "great book."

She would be very happy if you loved to read too!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

A little about your mom.

I found this on an on-line forum personal profile:

Five things I can't live without:
my husband, my kids, my friends, house, money               
the beach